I truly believe the best feedback comes from direct feedback
I truly believe the best feedback comes from direct feedback.
ClassPass reviews, overhearing client conversations around the studio, social media echo chamber, client emails (either pos or neg) all give us a piece of the puzzle…and intentional conversations with key people cannot be beat.
Of course, we are ALL busy in the day-to-day side of running a business as well as the bigger picture “working on rather than in” our businesses.
I know if a Founder of a business I frequent took the time to directly reach out to me, I would feel cared for & with the perception my money was going to a business who truly values being first-rate. Nothing is more valuable to a Founder than time and if even a 5-10 minute conversation is spent on me…I would continue to be a retained client…especially as I'm sure there would be great questions asked & answered.
What do you think would happen to your studio if you or your Founder implemented 1 daily 10 minute conversation with a regular client, or occasional client, or front of house staff, or instructor team?
I've missed writing to you these past 2 weeks! I've kept an unofficial “weeklyish” cadence since starting to send these “hellos” with stories, tools to use & takeaways from around the world in our boutique fitness space.
My Father landed in (2) hospital(s) for 11 nights (no wifi & no brain-bandwidth from me to you) & it was a wonderful serendipity I was able to spend the time with him, facilitating steps for his care; I was supposed to be away in Canada for round 1 of instructor training for a new cycle studio, but there was an unforeseen issue with the lease, causing a necessary postponement.
Sometimes when the thing doesn't work out in the timeline we had planned…causes us to be exactly where we need to be.
& Dad is doing great, by the way; heads into his 90-something surgery (yes, really & yes, we've lost count…🤯) next week.
Have a great rest of your week!