a California hello + data from The Fit Guide
A few months back, I was asked by The Fit Guide to weigh-in on the extensive data across multiple categories, collected from boutique studio visits in NYC, London, Singapore, Dubai & Sydney, across cities & modalities. Data was collated by city as well as by fitness modality and, in my opinion, a combination of both the fascinating & the thoroughly unsurprising.
A small sample of my thoughts:
(please do substitute “cycle” & “riders” for “modalities at your studio” & “clients”)
"On reviewing The Fit Guides' stats, the categories which scored poorly are, coincidentally, what was done well during my first SoulCycle rider experience. The good news for studio management is that these are not hard to improve as where cycling studios scored highly are the harder points to develop!
For example, only 34% of riders were spoken to by the instructor before the class, only 41% of the time the instructor followed up afterwards & used names 35% of the time. As these are all fundamentals, to improve I suggest management plan to work on consistently addressing, monitoring & training."
A component of delivering an experience worth money is ensuring clients are seen & heard. Using & remembering names is one part of the hospitality we provide in boutique fitness spaces…has this been made a training-point at your studio & with your teams?
You may use my code NOEL to download two complimentary reports here.
I'm with family this week in Central California. My dad has been very very ill…thankfully doing well now…but I share this with you as I believe strongly that he, in large part, has “bounced back” the way he has, albeit slowly, due to his childhood/young adulthood of competitive team sports (UCLA baseball!) & past decades of consistent physical exercise even as his health has declined.
What we do for clients' overall health while in our spaces…matters.
Have a great rest of your week!