non-negotiable hospitality in group ☘️🧀fitness classes
Wednesday April 17, 2024
I am in Mumbai, India; week 1 of 7 weeks of indoor cycling instructor training for an incredibly exciting new boutique studio project. I look forward to sharing more soon! With 11 of 11 of our trainees dancers, I am reminded why I ❤️ love ❤️ training dancers to teach cycle; tend to be consistently on time or early & prepared for the learning session, innately hear the music & what it wants from its listener & have a knack for being “on” from the moment the door to class opens or closes. Should you have a cycling studio (or even if you offer another fitness modality or two) I cannot recommend more highly, recruiting dancers to teach with you.
But first…back to Europe. The last 3 group fitness classes I joined were with Denise @ Perpetua Fitness in Dublin & with Gina & Eva @ Open Ride in Basel, were 3 of the most authentic classes I've joined in awhile. I had previously only had short conversation with 2 of these ladies before these classes, so I cannot truthfully say that "I know them well" and show bias in my observation…but I can say that while taste is subjective, these 3 leaders showed up for their rooms as an enhanced version of themselves & it was refreshing to see.
As well, these 3 leaders each embodied key hospitality best practices:
made clients feel seen & heard
offered help at the beginning (as everyone should) & in a kind manner
introduced regular clients to newcomers when organic
began and ended on time
were “on” from the moment the door to the room opened or closed (something I always look for & forever teach in any instructor workshop I lead; if you're not sure what I mean by this, please do reach out & I'm happy to share more)
always had music playing (no silence!) when clients were present & genuinely nice interaction with the front desk staff.
treated every client like a welcomed guest to an experience which was worth paying a premium price to attend
Irrespective of group fitness format offered, I feel strongly we all can benefit from checking-in on these hospitality-points, which is why two of my favorite questions to ask (which I ask in my free studio Audit) is: did the instructor both coach movement & what to do and encourage the room with personal touches? i.e. if you didn't already know this person, would you know a bit about who they were based on this class?
I believe hospitality is part of an excellent before/after class as well as what happens in the room. 😊
'Til next Wednesday,
xx Noël